Road sealing technology
LLC "Sealing Materials Plant" offers technologies for sealing expansion joints of airfield and road surfaces with hot-applied material Abris BP.
Scope of Application
- filling of seams and cracks of monolithic and prefabricated coatings;
- sealing of tram rails adjoining road clothing;
- arrangement of deformation joints, drainage systems of bridge structures;
- waterproofing of prefabricated paving blocks.
- sealing of deformation joints of airfield coatings.
Application technology. Preparation of the foundation.
- Remove free-lying pieces of coating in places of chips.
- If necessary, remove the old sealant.
- Cracks shall be prepared by machining of side surfaces with milling mill to filling width (from 8 to 40 mm).
- Clean the surface on which the material will be applied from contaminants (dust, dirt, cement film, petroleum products, oil, fats, etc.).
- If necessary, repair the concrete surface (chips, cracks, etc.) - remove all types of water (ice, frost, free water) from the surface by the method of heating - treat the surface with Abris Rp material.
Average flow rate
Average consumption of sealant for sealing of seam with width of 30 mm and depth of 60 mm is:
- 1.8-2.0 kg/p.m.
Heating equipment
Boilers with indirect heating, temperature control and seam sealing system shall be used for heating Abris BP.
Boilers shall be equipped with a device to ensure uniform mixing of the material.
Warming up
- Clean the material from cardboard and polyethylene packaging.
- Divide the cleaned material into several parts.
- Load the multi-part material into the boiler.
- Heat the material to the operating temperature of 140-160 ° С.
- The time from the material reaching the working temperature to the end of its filling must not exceed 3 hours.
Execution of works
- Apply the sealant heated to operating temperature using a joint filler or manually using watering cans.
- In the absence of special fillers, non-serial devices produced by various enterprises can be used. Seams (cracks) should be filled with hot sealant to the upper level of the edges of the coating, so that after cooling and shrinkage, the height of the sealant in the joint (crack) is 3-5 mm below the surface of the coating.
- Remove sagging from sealant spills with heated scrapers or other tools. The movement of equipment on the coating is allowed only after the sealant has cooled to the outside air temperature and there is no adhesion of it to the pneumatics during test rolling of vehicles.
Materials used:
Section: Briquettes
Packaging: corrugated cardboard boxes
TU: 5775-020-52471462-2014
Bitumen-polymer sealant of hot application in the form of a briquette in a polyethylene film.
Packaging: metal barrels, cans, plastic buckets
Specification: 5775-004-52471462-2003
Primer, applied with a brush. Color - at the request of the customer
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