Exhibition MVSV 2006

  • 08.08.2006

The Sealing Materials Plant (ZGM) took part in the International Exhibition of Military Products of the Ground Forces "MVSV-2006", which was held from August 2 to 6 in Moscow.

Exhibition "Construction Week of the Moscow Region"

  • 02.08.2006

As part of the celebration of the Builder's Day from August 8 to 11, 2006, the annual specialized exhibition "Construction Week of the Moscow Region" was held.

TUV (Technical Control Association). ABRIS - confirmed quality

  • 22.06.2006

At the end of 2005, a contract was signed between Sealing Materials Plant  LLC and the world-renowned German company TÜV (Association for Technical Control) to test mounting tapes of the ABRIS brand in accordance with the requirements of currently existing European standards. In the period from 24.01 to 25.05.06, in the laboratory of TÜV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH in Halle, Germany.

Expo Chemistry (2006)

  • 31.05.2006

From May 30 to June 2, the 8th specialized exhibition "ExpoCHEMISTRY" was held in St. Petersburg.

Union of Builders of Kuban

  • 29.05.2006

On May 26, Plant of Sealing Materials LLC, a manufacturer of non-curing sealants of the Abris brand, participated in the anniversary meeting of the Krasnodar territorial branch of the Russian Union of Builders, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Kuban Union of Builders.

Stroygermetik 2006

  • 29.03.2006

On March 22-23, 2006, within the framework of the National project "Affordable and comfortable housing for the citizens of Russia", the II All-Russian scientific and technical conference "Stroygermetik-2006" was held.

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