
  • 14.12.2009

On December 7-11, 2009, the 19th International Exhibition of Healthcare, medical equipment and medicines "Healthcare-2009" was held in Moscow.

"Transport Security - 2009"

  • 22.06.2009

17.06.2009-19.06.2009, the exhibition "Transport Security - 2009" was held in St. Petersburg.

"Integrated Security - 2009"

  • 29.04.2009

From May 19-22, 2009, the II International Salon of Security Equipment "Integrated Security – 2009" was held in Moscow and the Moscow region.

OSM-09 Exhibition

  • 12.01.2009

On January 28-31, 2009, a unique exhibition of building materials was held in Moscow.

LLC "Sealing Materials Plant" is a traditional participant of this exhibition.

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