
  • 12.12.2011

LLC "Sealing Materials Plant" took part in the 21st international exhibition "Healthcare- 2011".

"Housing and communal services Industry-2011"

  • 30.11.2011

The IV International Specialized Exhibition "Housing and Communal Services Industry" was held, where leading companies demonstrated products, technologies and services designed for the functioning of housing and communal complex enterprises.

Tested. Implemented. Working.

  • 28.11.2011

In 2002, ZGM LLC specialists carried out work on the gas pipeline branch to the Uva gas distribution station. The sealing material Abris C with a reinforcing layer of PECOM was applied mechanically using an insulating machine. Checking the quality of insulation gave a positive result.

Regional innovation — 2010

  • 22.02.2011

February 15, 2011, in Nizhny Novgorod, in the museum "The Rukavishnikov manor" was held the ceremony of awarding participants and winners of the competition "Regional Innovations - 2010". LLC "ZGM" for the second year in a row becomes the winner in the nomination "Construction".

International exhibition “OSM 2011”

  • 31.01.2011

On January 26-29, 2011, the traditional 12th OSM-2011 exhibition was held in Moscow, at the Expocenter on Krasnaya Presnya.

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