Conference "STROYGERMETIK - 2012"

  • 21.11.2012

Last week, on November 15-16, the III International, VII All-Russian scientific and technical conference "STROYGERMETIK - 2012" took place in Dzerzhinsk.

These don't disappoint!

  • 09.11.2012

On the eve of National Unity Day, the Nizhny Novgorod Fair hosted the ceremony of presenting State awards to the best people of the Volga region.


  • 19.10.2012

The International exhibition of gas and thermal power equipment GAS RUSSIA 2012 was held on October 16-18, 2012, Krasnodar.

Scientific and technical conference of OJSC Atomenergoremont

  • 27.03.2012

Technologies and methods for repairing nuclear power plants were discussed at a scientific and technical conference that opened in Novovoronezh (on the territory of the Novovoronezh NPP) on March 20, 2012.

The woman is the leader

  • 23.03.2012

XXI Century On March 23, 2012 in Nizhny Novgorod the ceremony of awarding the winners of the All-Russian Contest “Woman - Leader. XXI Century"

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