• 29.03.2013

Seminar: “Application of Abris materials in construction. Protection against radon"

On March 21, 2013 in Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, our enterprise together with ANO DPO "RCPK "Professional", with the support of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing Policy of the Udmurt Republic, held a seminar on the topic “Application of Abris materials in construction. Protection from radon".

Seminar: “Application of Abris materials in construction. Protection against radon

The seminar was attended by specialists involved in design, construction, as well as technical supervision engineers and customers in the fields of civil and industrial construction and the oil and gas complex. The participants of the seminar were greeted by the Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Izhevsk Danil Shevkunov. In his speech, he highlighted the issue of the territorial dependence of housing development on the soil penetration of radioactive gas radon and the need to use radioactive protection technologies in the construction of residential buildings.

During the seminar, special attention was paid to materials used for sealing roof structures, foundation waterproofing, insulation of welded joints in steel product pipelines and other application units with high self-adhesive properties, resistance to aggressive environments, manufacturability, a wide temperature range of application and operation. 

Seminar: “Application of Abris materials in construction. Protection against radon"

The participants were also introduced to the technologies developed by the enterprise for protection against the negative effects of the environment based on materials of the Abris series, used as foundation waterproofing, sealing joints and junctions in building structures, anti-corrosion protection of pipelines, tanks and engineering structures, radon protection technology , radiation, EMP and other innovative developments.

Seminar: “Application of Abris materials in construction. Protection against radon"

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