Insulation of pipeline joints with a heat-shrinkable cuff
for insulation of welded joints of gas and oil pipelines based on Abris S-T material
TU 5772-003-43008408-99
Specialists of our plant have developed a heat-shrinkable cuff Abris S-T-DTt, which is designed to provide high-quality corrosion protection of the welded joints of steel oil and product pipelines and branches from them, as well as repair of damaged insulation of pipelines, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, water pipes in highway conditions.
The heat-shrinkable cuff is made on the basis of the Abris S-T-DTt material, which is a self-adhesive mastic-polymer part reinforced with a heat-shrinkable tape.
The cuff set consists of:
- Single-component primer Abris R-NK (TU 5775-004-52471462-2003);
- Heat shrinkable cuff Abris S-T-Dt (TU 5772-003-43008408-99);
- Lock plate Abris S-T-Dt (TU 5772-003-43008408-99).
The geometric dimensions of the heat shrinkable cuff depend on the outer diameter of the pipe to be insulated.
Application technology:
- Clean the surface of the welded joint and adjacent areas at a distance of at least 200 mm from foreign contamination;
- On the coating adjacent to the welded joint zone, smooth out sharp lumps of factory insulation at an angle of at least 30 °C to the pipe axis;
- Treat the factory coating at a distance of at least 100 mm from its edge with a metal brush to roughen the surface layer;
- Apply a primer to the prepared area of the welded joint with a roller or brush, capturing the areas adjacent to it with a factory coating.
- Apply the cuff with the required tension around the weld joint area;
- Perform shrinkage with a soft flame of the burner.
- Processability (the set is fully ready for use, there is no stage of mastic-polymer layer application);
- Good adhesion to metal, concrete, plastic and various insulation coatings;
- Does not require pre-heating of the pipe or mastic layer;
- Resistance to aggressive media;
- Repairability;
- Possibility of application at negative temperatures up to -20 °С;
- Operating temperature from -60 °С to +80 °С;
- Preservation of sealing properties during vibration loads;
- No waste;
- Environmental safety;
- Reliability.
The protective coating is applied with a spiral winding from a roll as follows:
- Before applying the coating, it is necessary to clean the surface of the welded joint and adjacent areas at a distance of at least 200 mm from foreign contaminants;
- before starting work, you should set the required angle of winding of the mastic tape Abris S-T and the overlap of the turns is at least 50%. This is done by pre-winding from the roll onto the pipe without removing the adhesive;
- mastic tape should be applied on a primer that has been dried to "otlip";
- the beginning of the roll of the tape Abris S-T should be unwound, released from the anti-adhesive and fixed on the section prepared for insulation in the upper part of the pipe at the position of 1-2h (10-11h), ensuring the overlap of the factory insulation coating by at least 75 mm along the entire perimeter of the pipe;
- Abris tape should be applied with the required tension in a spiral, wrapping the roll around the pipe and ensuring an overlap between the turns of the tape of at least 50%;
- the coating of the welded joint area must overlap the adjacent section of the factory insulation by at least 75 mm.
Materials used:
Section: Tapes
Packaging: corrugated cardboard boxes
TU: 5772-003-43008408-99
The sealant is in the form of a self-adhesive tape, which on the one hand is covered with an anti-adhesive material, on the other is reinforced with a heat-shrinkable film.
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