• 28.11.2011

Tested. Implemented. Working.

In 2002, ZGM LLC specialists carried out work on the gas pipeline branch to the Uva gas distribution station. The sealing material Abris C with a reinforcing layer of PECOM was applied mechanically using an insulating machine. Checking the quality of insulation gave a positive result.

Tested. Implemented. Working.

On December 23, 2008, in the presence of the commission, an inspection of the experimental site was carried out, during which a sample of insulation was withdrawn from the gas pipeline. After removing the layer of sealing material from the surface the commission determined:

  • sags and corrugations were not found;
  • the nature of the destruction of the sealing material is cohesive;
  • complete absence of traces of metal corrosion under the sealant layer.

These survey results showed that Abris ST sealing materials and anti-corrosion protection technologies based on this material are successfully used at existing facilities of gas distribution organizations. The specialists of the plant have developed and offer to consumers technologies for the protection of pipelines and pipe systems. An album of solutions has been released, taking into account the specifics of pipelines for various purposes, indicating the material used and thermal calculations.

It is especially important that the permission of Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation No. РРС 00-27204 dated 03.12.07 was obtained for the materials of "Abris S-T". giving the right to use the material "Abris S-T" for the insulation of pipelines, tanks, reservoirs and other structures in the oil and gas industry.


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