• 08.04.2022

April 7 - World Health Day

April 7 is World Health Day. The theme of the 2022 holiday – "Our planet, our health" is designed to draw the attention of mankind to the environment and its protection.

April 7 - World Health Day

Air pollution, contamination of land and water in reservoirs, radiation – all these are the consequences of human intervention in the natural environment. The diseases, epidemics and pandemics of recent years are a vivid confirmation of this.
At a time when some enterprises pollute the environment, others create and make products aimed at protecting human health.
Sealing Materials Plant creates materials and technologies of the Abris series that provide comprehensive protection against the negative effects of aggressive environmental factors.

During the pandemic, radiation-protective material was in great demand. It is actively used radiation protection of structures and buildings from ionizing radiation, protection of radiation equipment for medical and industrial purposes, medical staff and patients from harsh radiation.
Take care of your health and the environment, play sports, pay attention to the choice of products and materials for your home.

The sealants of the Abris series are reliable in operation, high-tech, environmentally friendly. They have hydro-, steam-, vibration-, noise-, gas-insulating and radiation-protective properties, protect against corrosion, heat loss, mold and microorganisms, electromagnetic radiation, provide radon protection.


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