• 01.08.2022

Ecology 2022

The guarantee of the successful implementation of the Environmental Policy of any enterprise is the priority and mandatory implementation by all structural divisions of complex measures of environmental legislation, the main task of which is the constant systematic reduction of the impact of production on the environment.

Ecology 2022

Every home loves cleanliness and order. Here, at our enterprise, there is such a service that keeps order and tries to clean up, make the enterprises beautiful and environmentally friendly. The labor protection service deals with environmental issues and monitors the implementation of environmental legislation.

The main areas of work in the field of ecology are:

  • neutralization and utilization of production and consumption wastes;
  • air protection;
  • protection of water resources and rational water use;
  • protection, rational use of land;
  • monitoring of the components of the natural environment and control of the operation of production facilities;
  • environmental education and training of personnel;

The company's management pays great attention to solving these issues.

The team of labor protection service employs proactive, caring, purposeful specialists. The department is headed by the head of the labor protection service Korotina Alesya Yurievna. The department also includes professionals in their field - Gushchina Vera Vladimirovna, specialist in labor protection and Burynda Tatyana Viktorovna, assistant director for general issues. A well-coordinated, friendly team that staunchly guards the health of the company's personnel. The activities of the department are also aimed at preserving the environment and its biodiversity. This work includes solving environmental issues (drinking water quality, clean air, greening the territory), reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources of emissions of the enterprise used in the production cycle, cleanliness and the absence of any type of waste on the territory of the enterprise.

In order for the enterprise to be protected from violations in the field of environmental management, the labor protection service is doing a lot of work to develop the necessary regulatory documentation, which is prescribed by the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation.

For the period of 2021 and the current year of 2022, with the involvement of design organizations, the following work was carried out:

  • inventory of stationary sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from our production, on the basis of which a draft standard for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere was developed;


  • development of an action plan to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during adverse meteorological conditions;
  • development of a project for a sanitary protection zone (currently the project is at the stage of approval). In the near future, work is planned to monitor a number of substances at the border of the sanitary protection zone, with further entry of the SPZ into the state register and obtaining permits.
  • control of the operation of gas cleaning installations, the ventilation system of the enterprise, repairs and measurements of the efficiency of their work are carried out.

Issues related to the transfer of production and consumption waste to third-party organizations for neutralization, recycling, and burial are promptly resolved.


Opportunities are being sought to reduce the generation of waste and the possibility of returning them to the production cycle as secondary raw materials. To this end, work is actively carried out with enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region, research institutes, the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Nizhny Novgorod region, etc.

To ensure safe working conditions in production, production control is carried out, within the framework of which work is carried out to measure pollutant emissions, noise levels, and illumination at workplaces.

Annually, employees of the labor protection service form and send reports to Rosprirodnadzor, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, and other higher authorities. A record is kept of the negative impact that a production facility has on the environment, the calculation of payments for them, etc.

The range of work carried out by the labor protection service is very extensive and significant.

In conclusion, we call on all employees of the enterprise to take care of the materials and raw materials with which they have to work, to try to reduce the amount of waste generation so as not to litter the environment, and to our team as a whole to wish health, creative success and prosperity, so that the world around us becomes cleaner and prettier.

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