• 17.10.2022

ZGM and science

Production of high quality innovative materials is the main mission of the Sealing Materials Plant. It is no secret that at present, improving the quality of manufactured goods is a decisive condition for competitiveness and directly depends on well-designed recipes and on the quality of the raw materials used.

ZGM and science

The Scientific and Technical Center of the plant is carrying out serious work to develop new types of products and improve the quality of the main line of materials. For this purpose, the selection and study of the composition of the raw materials used and its properties are carried out, since it is raw materials that are one of the most important elements of production that affect the quality and technology of production.

The Scientific and Technical Center of the plant is equipped with high-precision research equipment, but a number of tests require special equipment that allows analyzing the composition of the sealant and the feedstock. On these issues, the STC of the plant cooperates with research institutes. The purpose of cooperation is to conduct high-precision testing of materials, qualitative and quantitative analysis of impurities in the feedstock, which makes it possible to determine their negative impact on the quality of products and develop technological measures to eliminate them.

At the moment, a joint working project is being carried out with the laboratory of the Research Institute of Chemistry of the UNN. N.I. Lobachevsky on the study of the composition of sealants for the electrical industry.

The work is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, the components that make up the sealants were studied. The possible reasons causing a decrease in the quality of the developed material are identified.


The second stage includes studies to reduce the negative impact of raw material impurities and the search for technological additives that will eliminate their negative impact.

At the third stage, it is planned to develop recommendations on the modes and conduct of technological processes.

The work is serious and interesting. Cooperation with the laboratory of the Research Institute of Chemistry of the UNN N.I. Lobachevsky, a long-term project is planned, a number of current issues will have to be resolved and measures will be planned to study the properties of raw materials, to find ways to reduce the effect of impurities on the quality of the sealant.

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