• 13.04.2022

Petrolatum tape Abris

Section: Tapes
TU: 20.30.22-023-52471462-2019

Petrolatum tape Abris

Scope of application:

Anticorrosive protection of metal and concrete structures (mooring piles, bridge supports, etc.), as well as pipelines, structural elements of pipelines (flange connections, fittings, etc.).


Color: from yellow to brown

Product form: rolls.

Petrolatum tape Abris is a plastic anticorrosive tape consisting of reinforcing material impregnated with petrolatum mastic.

The operating temperature conditions of petrolatum materials are from minus 60 to plus 80 °C.

Main technical characteristics:

Material Petrolatum tape
Appearance plastic reinforced tape, breaks and through holes are not allowed
Penetration, 0.1 mm, within 30-50
Strength of bond with metal during peeling, N/m, not less than 10,0
Bond strength in overlap (tape to tape), N/m, not less 5,0
Yield strength at 70 °C, 24h, mm, no more 2,0
Water absorption, %, 24h, no more 0,1

Method of application:

Before applying petrolatum materials Abris, the work surface must be prepared - cleaned of dirt, remove old insulation, remove the exfoliated outer layer of rust, traces of corrosion or scale from the rusty surface.

When applied to underwater pipelines, all loose material, rust, contaminants present in the water and colonies of marine organisms on the surface should be removed.

It is possible to carry out work on insulation with petrolatum materials Abris under any weather conditions and under water. The recommended temperature for applying petrolatum materials is not lower than plus 5 °C.

Petrolatum tape Abris is released from packaging before application and applied to the insulated surface by spiral winding with an overlap of at least 25 mm for areas with low loads and overlap (50-55)% for buried pipelines or in areas where there is a risk of mechanical damage. When applying, it is necessary to smooth the tape with your hand (especially carefully the places of overlap), pressing it to the surface to ensure better adhesion.

To provide protection against various mechanical damages that may be caused by soil movements, ice flows, wave action, etc., the outer layer of insulation based on petrolatum tape is covered with a protective coating (protective polymer wrapper, protective casing).

It is recommended to use together with petrolatum mastic Abris or petrolatum primer Abris.



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